No change can happen at any level ; personal, organizational, national or even globally if we do not take responsibility for it. You might be thinking, what then is the difference between taking responsibility and taking ownership?
It is good I emphasize that the idea of ownership I am trying to pass across is not from the point of you “having it” or being “given” but from the point you “taking it”. Why this idea? Well, the truth is that in reality no one will give you ownership of anything even your own life.
While taking responsibility requires that you perform assigned tasks, taking ownership moves you further from just doing your bit to ensuring the overall objective is achieved.
One strategy I am sure the devil uses all the time is preventing you from knowing what you have and the things you can get done with what you have. He doesn’t want you to own your own mind. Really that is one of the battles we fight in our everyday life- to own our minds, our time and other resources.
The difference between taking responsibility and taking ownership is actually a slight difference but it creates a huge difference in impact and approach.
An example that distinguishes ownership from responsibility is this; God owns everything on earth and the universe yet he gave man the responsibility to manage and keep it well.
There have been many times that you don’t own something, like , it actually doesn’t belong to you but then you take responsibility for it; to take care of it, to protect it. Even though it is not yours, you do so in TRUST of the person who owns it.
Likewise, you might own something and not want to take responsibility to handle it well, manage it, keep it or take care of it.
These 2 different explanations clearly show the difference between responsibility and ownership.
Interestingly, the two can work together if you desire to see both immediate changes and sustainable development. Any lasting changes or development will require the collaborative work of taking ownership and responsibility.
This where I choose to stand, that to experience any positive difference or changes in our personal, corporate life at every community, country, continent and globally we must first choose to take ownership of who we are, where we are, the things we want or have or the result we hope to see.
At an individual level, you will always need to own your life, accept who you are no matter what you find about yourself good or bad, beautiful or ugly. It is at this point that a true lasting personal transformation can take place.
Also, same is expected of us in our corporate life. At work, as a member of a team, working towards the organizational goal or project objectives, it is not enough to only be responsible to play your part or do your role well: far more important and very crucial is your buying into the vision. Take ownership of the goal your company hopes to achieve. This way you only do not play your role well but you ensure that the set goals are achieved.
Likewise in our families and communities, we must take ownership. Nothing is wrong to say to yourself: this is my family, I will do what it takes to keep it standing, this is my community, my country, I take personal ownership for our collective good. I will take on the responsibility to right was is wrong and fix what is bad.
In a way, merely being responsible seems to be for personal benefit while taking ownership is far beyond personal gain, benefit or happiness but that of a collective Joy- for the collective good. Everyone is happy, everyone feels good.
Like never before, we all need to find an area of interest where we now must take ownership of. The choice of taking ownership of who you are, where you are and the outcome you hope to see will make you create a big room in the spirit of commitment and consistence. No difference can be seen, no result can be made and no impact can be felt if the spirit of commitment and consistence is missing.
When we take ownership at any level of function, what we begin to see and feel are results and outcomes that were borne out of commitment and consistency. Really to lead and excel is to take ownership.
The decision to take ownership will require a high level of courage and determination. This is the truth, but don’t be afraid, courage can be developed and built over time. Already we all have some bits of courage in us, find yours and put it to use for a greater good. The difference, changes, results, outcomes and impact you have ever wished for, dreamt and hoped for will need you take ownership of them courageously.
A lot will change, for you and for all, slowly but surely. We are the solution we wish for, hoped for. Yes, we are! Only if we choose today to take ownership and take personal responsibility of the results we want.
Remember ownership isn’t given, you just have to take it, the choice to take it or not is exclusively yours.
My question now is this: How desperate are you to see and have a better life for yourself, your family, community, country, continent & the World?
So, go ahead now and take ownership!
Love is all I have,
Atinuke Odjenima
Transformational Growth Catalyst